TECH SUPPORT - AssetTasker

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Technical Support
Technical Support Information
The AssetTASKER team offers electronic support via email. We endeavour to answer emailed questions within 12 working hours of their receipt.

Support emails are reviewed regulary from 9:00am to 4:00pm Eastern Australian Time (+9 hours GMT) from Monday to Friday, excluding public holidays (google search "Public Holidays Victoria Australia" for more details).  Add one hour when AEST Summertime is active (between the first Sunday in October to the first Sunday in April) .

Please ensure support emails are sent to [email protected] or use the email form on this page.  A copy of your request will be sent to you when using this on-line email method.

Download The Program
If this is the first time you are using AssetTASKER use this link to download both the software and the database.
Click here to download the full program.

If you would like to download the lastest software update, use this link
Click here to download an upgrade.
Email Us

Required Support Information
When sending a support question, please be sure to include the following information:
  • The operating system you are using (eg: Windows 11)
  • State if you are using the software in a network environment or with a standalone PC or laptop.
  • Paste the AssetTASKER program details into your email.  
(This can be done by opening the ‘Help’ option from the main menu and then selecting the ‘About’ menu option.)
By clicking the ‘Copy software details’ button you can then paste (using Ctrl-V) into your email.
Details such as the software version number, the programming date, and various basic details about your computer will be pasted into your email.
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